Yes and No. Obviously denominations have for decades focused like-minded people to accomplish strategic missions around the world. They have recruited, trained and led in staffing the pulpits in churches across North America. Millions of dollars are raised and utilized by them in Kingdom work. Denominational leaders are some of the best, brightest, most gifted […]
Praying for CRN in 2010
We cannot live a day until its sun rises nor can we live a year in advance. I do believe, however, God has worked to poise 2010 to be an immeasurably eventful year for CRN. As one of the Clergy Recovery Network’s founders and its Director for almost 13 years I urge you to pray […]
Been there, Done that Network
Pastoral peers in the Clergy Recovery Network are available to you to answer questions about your life and recovery struggles and share the strength, hope and encouragement they have gained on their personal recovery journeys. They have been where you are. They have been there and done that.
Application for CRN Forum Access
Thanks for your interest in participating in one of our on-line forums. We are determined to make our forums as safe and secure as possible. For this reason, getting access to the forum takes a few steps. You will be required to join the Christian Recovery International Forums, our host for on-line forums, using a […]
Clergy Recovery Network Forums
Sexual Addiction Forum for Clergy Men If you are already a member of the Sexual Addiction Forum for Clergy Men, click here. Then, enter your user name and password to participate. If you are a man in ministry wrestling with any kind of sexual issue, this forum is for you. You will meet other men […]
TERMS OF USE 1. General 1.1 This agreement governs your use of this Web site (hereinafter called the “Service”), including the interactive chat, guest books, and discussion areas (the “Interactive Areas”), which are operated by Additional terms and conditions of use applicable to specific areas of the Service may also be posted in such […]
CRN’s Intervention Services
Dale Wolery is available as his schedule permits to lead you in your intervention and new beginning. He will only commit to your intervention if he can realistically commit to give it the time and attention required.