If someone you love is hooked in an addiction and creating chaos, confusion and hopelessness in your world, a professionally led intervention is likely the answer. When you love someone hooked on destructive substances, behaviors or relationships, your aching heart, mounting frustration and deteriorating hope make you just want to scream or cry! You can […]
What is the Intervention Process?
Although no two interventions are identical, a basic framework for interventions has been utilized for more than four decades with little variation.
CRN’s Intervention Services
Dale Wolery is available as his schedule permits to lead you in your intervention and new beginning. He will only commit to your intervention if he can realistically commit to give it the time and attention required.
Questions and Answers About Interventions
Isn’t it unkind for us to “spring” an intervention on our loved one? No. Approaches which don’t work, no matter how well intentioned, like bargaining, pleading, and threatening are unkind. Participating in a quality intervention is the most loving thing you can do for someone refusing help.